• 최종편집 2024-05-21(화)
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In a haunting snapshot frozen in time, the agony of a war-torn land finds its voice. The World Press Photo's prestigious first prize emerges as a testament to the raw power of visual storytelling, casting a searing light on the grim reality of conflict.

Within the frame captured by the lens of Reuters photojournalist Mohamed Salem, a Palestinian woman stands as a solitary figure amidst the debris of devastation. In her trembling arms, she cradles the lifeless form of her precious niece, a tender soul extinguished in the brutal chaos of an Israeli raid on the Gaza Strip.

The photograph, an indelible imprint of grief etched upon the face of humanity, unveils the heart-wrenching narrative of Inas Maamar and her beloved five-year-old niece, Sally. Together, they embody the tragic collateral of war, victims of an unforgiving barrage that shattered their home and their lives in one merciless stroke.

Mohamed Salem's lens becomes a window into the soul of anguish, capturing the anguish of a grieving aunt in a moment of profound despair. It is a tableau of sorrow that transcends the boundaries of language, speaking volumes of the unfathomable loss endured by countless families amid the relentless tide of conflict.


Amidst the chaos and clamor of a war-torn landscape, Salem's gaze fixes upon Inas Maamar, a beacon of sorrow amidst the tumult. Her anguished embrace of the lifeless child speaks of a love that knows no bounds, a testament to the unyielding bonds of family amidst the ravages of war.

For Mohamed Salem, a Palestinian native steeped in the harsh realities of his homeland, this photograph embodies more than mere documentation—it is a chronicle of resilience in the face of adversity, a stark reminder of the human cost of conflict. In his lens, he captures not just a moment but the essence of a people's struggle for survival.

As the echoes of gunfire fade and the dust settles, the image remains—an indomitable testament to the power of visual storytelling. In its stark simplicity lies a profound truth: that amid the chaos of war, it is the human spirit that endures, unbroken and unbowed.


비밀번호 :
Echoes of Sorrow: A Portrait of Grief in the Gaza Strip
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